Ulecha asitaולך עשית |
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Ulecha asita shem gadol vekadosh beolamecha
Uleamecha Yisrael asita teshua gedolah ufurkan kehayom hazeh | ולך עשית שם גדול וקדוש בעולמך
ולעמך ישראל עשית תשועה גדולה ופורקן כהיום הזה |
Translation:And for You have made a great and holy Name in your world
And for Your Nation, Yisrael, you have made a great salvation and redemption, like this day | |
Information:From the Al hanissim prayer insertion (Amidah, Birkat HaMazon) on Chanukah
Chords: Intro: Am F Dm Em / G Dm Em G Am First part: Am Dm / F G Dm Am / F G Em Am Second part: Am C G F / Dm G Dm E7 | |
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