Yah Ribon

יָהּ רִבּוֹן

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Yah ribon alam v’al’maya
ant hu malka melekh malkhaya.
Ovad g’vur’teikh v’timhaya
sh’far kodamakh l’hahavaya.

Yah ribon alam v’al’maya
ant hu malka melekh malkhaya.

Sh’vahin asadeir tsafra v’ramsha
lakh elaha kadisha di v’ra kol nafsha,
irin kadishin uv’nei enasha,
heivat bara, v’ofei sh’maya.

Yah ribon alam v’al’maya
ant hu malka melekh malkhaya.

Ravr’vin ov’deikh v’takifin,
makhikh r’maya v’zakif k’fifin.
Lu yihyeh g’var sh’nin alfin
la yei’ol g’vur’teikh b’hushb’naya.

Yah ribon alam v’al’maya
ant hu malka melekh malkhaya.

Elaha di leih y’kar ur’vuta,
p’rok yat anakh mipum aryavata.
V’apeik yat amakh migo galuta,
ameikh di v’hart mikol umaya.

Yah ribon alam v’al’maya
ant hu malka melekh malkhaya.

L’mikd’sheikh tuv ul’kodesh kudshin,
atar di veih yehedun ruhin v’nafshin.
Vizam’run lakh shirin v’rahashin,
birush’leim karta d’shufraya.

Yah ribon alam v’al’maya
ant hu malka melekh malkhaya.
יָהּ רִבּוֹן עָלַם וְעָלְמַיָּא,
אַנְתְּ הוּא מַלְכָּא מֶֽלֶךְ מַלְכַיָּא,
עוֹבַד גְּבוּרְתֵּךְ וְתִמְהַיָּא,
שְׁפַר קֳדָמָךְ לְהַחֲוָיָּא.

שְׁבָחִין אֲסַדֵּר צַפְרָא וְרַמְשָׁא,
לָךְ אֱלָהָא קַדִּישָׁא דִּי בְרָא כָּל נַפְשָׁא,
עִירִין קַדִּישִׁין וּבְנֵי אֱנָשָׁא,
חֵיוַת בָּרָא וְעוֹפֵי שְׁמַיָּא.

רַבְרְבִין עוֹבְדֵיךְ וְתַקִּיפִין,
מָכִיךְ רְמַיָּא וְזַקִּיף כְּפִיפִין,
לוּ יִחְיֶה גְבַר שְׁנִין אַלְפִין,
לָא יֵעוֹל גְּבוּרְתֵּךְ בְּחֻשְׁבְּנַיָּא.

אֱלָהָא דִּי לֵהּ יְקַר וּרְבוּתָא,
פְּרוֹק יַת עָנָךְ מִפּוּם אַרְיְוָתָא,
וְאַפֵּיק יַת עַמֵּךְ מִגּוֹ גָלוּתָא,
עַמֵּךְ דִּי בְחַרְתְּ מִכָּל אֻמַּיָּא.

לְמִקְדָּשֵׁךְ תּוּב וּלְקֹֽדֶשׁ קֻדְשִׁין,
אֲתַר דִּי בֵהּ יֶחֱדוּן רוּחִין וְנַפְשִׁין,
וִיזַמְּרוּן לָךְ שִׁירִין וְרַחֲשִׁין,
בִּירוּשְׁלֵם קַרְתָּא דְשׁוּפְרַיָּא.


Gd, Sovereign​ of all the Worlds, You are the Ruler, above all rulers. Your mighty deeds and wonders, it is beautiful​ to declare before You.
I speak your praises both morning and evening, to You, Holy Gd, who created all Life: Sacred spirits and human beings, beasts of the field and birds of the sky.
Great​ and mighty are Your deeds, humbling the proud and raising the humble. Even if one were to live a thousand years, these would not suffice to fathom Your might.
O Gd, to whom glory and greatness​ belong, save Your flock from the lions’ jaws. Bring Your people out of exile, the people which You chose from among all nations.
Retur​n to Your Temple and to the Holy of Holies, the place where spirits and souls can rejoice. They will sing to You songs and melodies in Jerusalem​, city of beauty.

Trans​lation from the Yedid Nefesh bencher, by Rabbi Josh Cahan. Used with permissio​n.


A well-known Friday evening zemer.

Ari Goldwag tune below used with permission.


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Recorded by: Jewish Phoenix
Description: Ari Goldwag Version in Full

Recorded by: Amir Zadgari
Description: Sefardi Rendition

Recorded by: Joel Nothman
Description: Yemenite tune

Recorded by: Hillel Konigsburg
Description: Chorus from Ari Goldwag version

Description: Recorded by Chaviv Danesh

Description: a slower tune

Recorded by: Hillel Konigsburg
Description: Tune from Tichon Ramah Yerushalayim 2003

Recorded by: Ilana
Description: A special ending for Ya Ribon - Last stanza and the chorus.

Description: My recollection of the way my dear teacher, Esther Schlisser, sang it

Description: Melody learned from melody from my father Moshe Aronson 1921 - 2013

Recorded by: Jose D. Bucay

Recorded by: Stuart Izon
Description: Composed by Israel Goldfarb

Description: learned from the children of the generation who immigrated from Lithuania


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