Amar Rabbi Akiva Ve'ahovta

אמר רבי עקיבא ואהבת

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[Amar Rabi Akiva]

V'ahavta l'reiacha kamocha
Zeh Klal Gadol Batorah.
אָמַר רַבִּי עֲקִיבָא:
וְאָהַבְתָּ לְרֵעֲךָ כָּמוֹךָ,
זֶה כְּלָל גָּדוֹל בַּתּוֹרָה.


Rabbi Akiva said:
Love your neighbor as yourself (Leviticu​s 19:18);
This is a very essential​ principle​ of the Torah.

(User​-contribu​ted translati​on)


As performed by the Yeshiva Boys Choir:


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