Ata Horeta (full version)אתה הראת - כל התפילה |
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Ata Horeta Ladaat Ki Adonay Hu Haelokim En Od Milevado: En Kamoja Baelohim Adonay Veen Kemaaseja:
Yehi Adonay Elohenu Imanu Kaasher Haya Im Abotenu, Al Yaazbenu Veal Yiteshenu: Hoshia Et Ameja Ubarej Et Najhalateja Urem Venaseem Ad Haolam: Vayhi Binsoa Haaron Vayomer Moshe Quma Adonay Veyafutzu Oyebeja Veyanusu Mesaneja Mipaneja: Quma Adonay Limnujateja Ata Vaaron Uzeja: Kojaneja Yilbeshu Tzedek Vajhasideja Yeranenu. Baabur David Abdeja Al Teshev Pene Meshijheja. | אתה הראת לדעת כי
אדֹני הוא האלֹהים אין עוד מִלבדו אין כַמוךָ בַאֶלוהים אדֹני ואין כְמַעָשׂיךָ יהי אדני אלהינו עמנו כאשׁר היה עם אבותינו, אל יעזבנו ואל יטשׁנו. הושיעה את עמךָ וברך את נחלתך ורעם ונשׂאם עד העולם ויהי בנסע הארֹן ויאמר משה קומה אדני ויפֻצו אויביךָ וינֻסו משנאיך מפנך קומה אדני למנוחתיך אתה וָארון עֻזךָ כהניך ילבשׁו צדק וָחסידךָ ירננו. בעבור דוד עבדךָ אל תָשב פני משׁיחךָ |
Translation:To you (Israel), it was shown to you that Hashem is the Almighty, there is nothing else besides him.
There is none like you amongst the powerful, Hashem, and there is nothing like your deeds. That this God (Hashem), our God, be with us, just like he was with our fathers, he won't abandon us, he will not leave us. Save your people and bless your inheritors; shepherd and elevate them until eternity. And it was from the Aron (ark) that Moshe said: Stand up (stop) Hashem, and your enemies shall disperse, and let the ones who hate you flee from you. Stand up Hashem to your place of rest (The Beit Hamikdash), you and the Aron (ark) of your power. Your saintly priests (Cohanim) will wear righteousness (saintly garments) and your devotees (Leviim) will sing. Because of David your servant, do not return empty the face of your Messiah (David or Shlomo) (User-contributed translation) | |
Information:This song is sung preceding the opening of the Hechal on shabbat mornings in sepharadic shuls. | |
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