HaEmunahהאמונה |
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L'ad chaya bilvaveinu
HaEmunah HaNe'emanah LaShuv l'eretz kodsheinu Ir ba David chanah. L'ad... Shamah na'amod l'goraleinu Av hamon kanah Shamah nichyeh chayeinu Chayei adat mi manah. L'ad... Shamah na'avod Elokeinu B'chedvah b'gilah u'virnanah Shamah na'aleh lirgaleinu Shalosh pa'amim bashanah. L'ad... Torat chayim chemdateinu Mipi elyon nitanah Netzach hi nachlateinu M'midbar matana | לעד חיה בלבבנו
האמונה הנאמנה, לשוב לארץ קודשנו עיר בה דוד חנה. לעד... שמה נעמוד לגורלנו, אב המון קנה שמה נחיה חיינו חיי עדת מי מנה. לעד... שמה נעבוד אלוקינו בחדוה בגילה וברננה שמה נעלה לרגלינו שלוש פעמים בשנה. לעד... תורת חיים חמדתנו, מפי עליון נתנה נצח היא נחלתינו, ממדבר מתנה. |
Translation:Eternally lives in our hearts,
the loyal faith [Haemunah] to return to our holy land, the city where David settled. There we shall work our inheritance, [which the] father of many [nations] acquired, there we shall live our life the life of the innumerable community. There we shall serve our God with joy, happiness and song there we shall pilgrimage three times a year. Torah of life is our desire, given from heavenly mouth forever it is our heritage from the desert it was given. | |
Information: HaEmunah • David Raphael Ben-Ami and the groupe Jerusalem Yeshiva for Youth • Yashlatz;
Translation from Wikipedia; available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License. In opposition to the secular nature of HaTikvah as the Israeli national anthem, Rav Avraham Yitzchak HaCohen Kook composed HaEmunah, "The Faith." Written in the late 19th, this alternate national anthem for the State of Israel places the Torah as the central component of the Jewish People's return to its land (Eretz Yisrael), and sees this process as a bigger step for the redemption of Israel, and by extension, the world. | |
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