Kol bayar onochi shomea, ov labonim koreya.
A geshrey un a gevald un a gefilder, a foter in vald zukht zayne kinder. Bonay bonay hekhon holakhtem, asher olay kokh shekakhtem. Kinder kinder voo zayt ir gevezn, vos af mir hot ir shoyn fargesn. Bonay bonay lekhu l'beysi, ki lo oykhel losheves yekhidi b'beysi. Kinder kinder kumt tsu mir aheym, varum mir iz umetik tsu zitsen aleyn. Ovinu ovinu eykh nelekh, ki hashoymer oymeid b'shaar hamelekh. Foter foter vi kenen mir geyn tsu dir, az der shoymer shteyt dokh bay der tir. | קול ביער אנכי שומע אב לבנים קורא.
א געשריי און א געוואלד און א געפילדער א פאטער אין וואלד זוכט זיינע קינדער. בני בני היכן הלכתם אשר עלי כך שכחתם. קינדער קינדער וואו זייט איר געוועזן וואס אויף מיר האט איר שוין פארגעסן. בני בני לכו לביתי כי לא אוכל לשבת יחידי בביתי. קינדער קינדער קומט צו מיר אהיים ווארום מיר איז אומעטיק צו זיצען אליין. אבינו אבינו איך נלך כי השומר עומד בשער המלך.פאטער פאטער ווי קענען מיר גיין צו דיר אז דער שומר שטייט דאך ביי דער טיר. |
Translation:A cry and a scream and a feeling, a father in the forest is searching for his children.
Children, children, where have you been, that you have forsaken me? Children, children, come back home to me, because I am tired of sitting alone. Father, father, how can we go to you, when there's a guard standing at the door (king's gate). | |
Information:This niggun was created by Reb Aryeh Leib (a follower of the Baal Shem Tov), who was also known as the Shpoler Zayde.
He would sing this niggun before Tikkun Chatzos, the midnight prayer bewailing the destruction of the Temple. The song's lyrics reflect the meaning of that prayer. The niggun is about a father searching for his children, asking if they have forgotten about him and that they should return home. The children answer: "How can we return home when there's a guard at the door?" This symbolizes our present situation with our Almighty Father and His children, the people of Israel. G-d is looking for the Jewish people who are in golus (exile), and implores them to return home. The Jewish people reply: "How can we return home, when there's a guard (our nefesh habehomis) blocking the way back home?" Traditionally, each verse was sung in Hebrew, Yiddish and Russian (Russian lyrics are omitted here) before moving onto the next verse. Often, people now sing with an added English line to each verse: A voice in the forest reaches my ears, a father calling his lost children near. Children children where can you be, that you've forgotten all about me. Children children return to your home, for I cannot bear to remain alone. Father father how can we return once more, when your guard is standing outside your door. Some, more recently, have added new verses (expressing the Father's reply to the Children). There are different versions, such as: Children children repent for your sins, and against the enemy you will win. Children children if for Moshiach you do yearn, mitzvos do and Torah learn. Children children have no fear, the coming of Moshiach is very near. |
Printed from the Zemirot Database |