Chamol al ma'asecha,
vetismach be-ma'asecha, va-yomeru lecha chosecha, be'tzadeka amoosecha, tukdash Adon al kol ma'asecha. Ki makdishecha bikdooshatecha kidashta. Naeh lekadosh, Naeh lekadosh, pe'er mikedoshim. | חֲמוֹל עַל מַעֲשֶׂיךָ, וְתִשְׂמַח בְּמַעֲשֶׂיךָ,
וְיֹאמְרוּ לְךָ חוֹסֶיךָ, בְּצַדֶּקְךָ עֲמוּסֶיךָ, תֻּקְדַּשׁ אָדוֹן עַל כָּל מַעֲשֶׂיךָ. כִּי מַקְדִּישֶׁיךָ בִּקְדֻשָּׁתְךָ קִדַּשְׁתָּ. נָאֶה לְקָדוֹשׁ פְּאֵר מִקְּדוֹשִׁים. |
Translation:Have compassion on Your handiwork and be happy in Your handiwork.
May those who take refuge in You, say - when You prove those born by You - 'O Master, may You be sanctified upon all Your handiwork' For with Your own holiness You have sanctified those who sanctify You. It is fitting that the Holy One be glorified by holy ones. Pleasant to the Holy One is the glory of holy people. | |
Information:Part of the High Holiday prayers. Unknown author. Said in the Ashkenazi tradition after Rosh Hashanah Musaf kedusha, as well as Musaf, Mincha, and Ne'ila of Yom Kippur. |
Printed from the Zemirot Database |